Favorably Accepted


For how many months I had spent fixing my papers for shifting (up to now), THANK GOD they finally accepted me.

With regards to what I ranted on my last part (let's soothe up this May), Plan A was revealed last 2 days and I was so disappointed a bit yet in the end I felt so excited. Sorry, mixed feelings blew out and yesterday I didn't feel so good, I drank 4-6 glasses of water just to relinquish anything I felt inside.  

After couple of hours fixing those papers, I'm finally back home. :)

Best proof that I can assure you that I was shifted from Information Systems to Information Technology:

I was browsing at the net and I thought if they changed my course in eLeap and in myUSTe. And look what I've found out. I saw this part at Online Enrollment (First Process) under myUSTe. :)

Oh yeah! Hindi nasayang pagod ko at Information Technology na ako! :)

My future begins NOW! 

Kevin Pangilinan
Inhinyero Tomasino. :) 


Steff said...

goodluck with that :D

Unknown said...

i know the feeling, twice i felt that. Congrats bro. do good in I.T.