Let's Soothe Up This May

We are so grateful to the LORD that he give us months of relaxation despite of the new face of the sun that increases heat impact not only in our tropical country but also in the whole world, the upcoming election that all we need is a leader who will bring us back in track without corruption, poverty, etc., this month of course the rain (yes! maliligo na ako sa ulan!), not just ordinary rain but probably acid rain (what?) and lots of struggles that we've been through. 

And now I'm back! bringing forward AGAIN to you my blog post that includes experiences, solved trials in relation with one's life and a lot more. 

May 1 (Saturday)

We all know that cellphones are important primarily for communication purposes and that's why Jejemons came out, entered the society and brought us not only their language (ajejeje!) but also their lifestyle (jejecaps, etc.). Based on researching, watching news and tuning in to our social networks, Jejemons started from Jejetexts (words in wider contexts, adding C,W,Q,X,Z) and Pokemon. Jeje + Pokemon = JEJEMON. We don't need to discriminate those people because it's their right to do their own lifestyle. Just visit this BLOG from a friend of mine, it's all about JEJEMON's rights and their own lifestyle. Let's accept them for who they are and what they've done. Speaking of cellphones, (sa mga katext ko, better read this) my cellphone got broke because there's something happening with my screen parang nahahati or what, could everyone answer my problems regarding at my cellphone? What should I do to bring back my cellphone screen's appearance? From now on, I will be meticulous to those certain things like my cellphone

Let soothe up guys! :) 

Kevin Pangilnan
Inhinyero Tomasino